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BASICS Alcohol Workshop

Frequently Asked Questions

What is BASICS?

Clarion University uses BASICS, which stands for Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students, as its drug and alcohol workshop. The goal of the program is to reduce risky behaviors and harmful consequences of alcohol abuse.

BASICS is a two-session preventative alcohol education program offered to Clarion University students who want to further examine their alcohol use.

Some students are required to take the BASICS workshop if they are referred by Judicial Services, Athletics, or Residence Life for violating the campus drug and alcohol policy or by the District Magistrate if they receive an alcohol violation off campus.There is a $75 charge for all students who are required to take the BASICS workshop. Other students may voluntarily participate in the BASICS workshop if they are interested in examining their own drinking behaviors or learning strategies for moderating alcohol consumption and reducing the harmful consequences of drinking. At the conclusion of the workshop, goals are selected

What can students expect from BASICS?

BASICS consists of two sessions; each session is approximately 90 minutes in length and two weeks apart. Session One explores drinking habits and it's impact on different aspects of life. Session Two explores personalized feedback regarding alcohol use.

What if I am required to take a BASICS workshop?

Any student who violates the alcohol policy on campus will need to take the BASICS workshop. Also, any student who receives an alcohol violation off campus will be required by the District Magistrate to take the BASICS workshop. Please make an appointment with the coordinator of Health Promotions by completing theBASICS Form.

Who facilitates the BASICS workshop?

The BASICS workshop is facilitated Clarion University's Coordinator of Health Promotions and AOD.

What about Confidentiality?

All information shared in the BASICS workshop is kept confidential. However, if a student needs further assistance, a referral may be made.

Additional Information

To learn more about the workshop, please email Coordinator of Health Promotions and AOD.

Screening Tools

Alcohol Use Survey

Mental Health America

Screening for Mental Health

Last Updated 3/21/22